Vasper and Hormone Research
Vasper is a patented health technology designed to enable people to actively engage their body’s natural systems in achieving optimal health and wellness.
Vasper is dedicated to developing research studies that can help us understand how Vasper works and how it can affect people of all ages, ability levels and health statuses. The Vasper team has partnered with researchers and institutions around the world to examine hypotheses about how Vasper works and to produce rigorous scientific support.
Here are some of the results we’ve seen about the use of Vasper and its impact on hormones, most notably anabolic growth hormones which repair our bodies, such as testosterone and DHEAS, and our catabolic hormones which break down the body, such as cortisol (our stress hormone) and estradiol which increases inflammation.
Hormones are your body’s systemic signaling molecules and are released in different areas of the body and move through the circulatory system to regulate your body’s function and behavior. Hormones affect the body in many different ways and have significant impacts on function, form, and feel.

This pilot study was designed after feedback from our clients, who reported anecdotally that Vasper had a unique ability to heighten certain beneficial hormones while having the opposite response in other stress hormones. The two categories of hormones we considered were anabolic hormones and catabolic hormones, which work in opposition to each other to build and repair (anabolic) and breakdown (catabolic).
Anabolic hormones include growth hormone (IGF-1 saliva marker) and testosterone, which contribute to muscle mass, energy, endurance, confidence, resilience, and sleep. Catabolic hormones include cortisol, a hormone related to stress and inflammation, and can be triggered by mental stress as well as intensive exercise.
In this Pilot Trial, Vasper investigated the hormone response from 10-20 Vasper sessions over 4-6 weeks. This trial demonstrated that Vasper was able to release the beneficial muscle-building response of growth hormone (14% increase) and testosterone (22.5% increase) while fighting against the release of cortisol, causing a 47% decrease.
And our hormone investigation didn’t stop there.
Testosterone is a key hormone that is involved in regulating muscle growth, bone density, fat metabolism, and mood in both men and women. We explored this hormone with five professional baseball players in 8 Vasper sessions over 2 weeks. 80% saw an increase in free testosterone levels, with an average increase of 132% across all participants.

But what does all this talk about hormone levels mean?
Let’s take a look at the real-life impact of changing hormone levels. Vasper worked with San Jose Sharks Strength and Conditioning Coach Mike Potenza to work with the 131st ParaRescue Squadron to assess hormone levels and performance results. ParaRescuemen are elite military operators, who specialize in medical rescue in war zones and remote areas. Due to the stress and length of their deployments, higher cortisol levels, sleep disturbances, and the resulting effects on their performance were a top concern.
In this trial, in 6 weeks ParaRescuemen increased their anabolic hormones 42% and decreased their catabolic hormones 69% compared to a group of ParaRecuemen continuing regular training.

The difference didn’t just show in their hormones – the Vasper group performed better on typical military performance tests, such as pull-ups (2.1% increase), run time to exhaustion (17.3% improvement), and heart rate recovery (32.3% improvement).